Islamic Injustice to Women

Islamic Injustice

A tragic example of Sharia law, the injustice of Islam to women!

A shocking and heartbreaking incident happened in 2004, and it happened in Iran.

Sharia law was introduced in Iran soon after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. About 2001, Atefeh Sahale was a 16-year-old girl who lost his mother in childhood, her younger brother drowned a few years later. Rajabi lived with his father and grandparents. The father became a drug addict, and as a result, the responsibility of the family, including the care of the grandparents, somehow fell on Rajbi’s shoulders. One of their neighbors was Ali Darabi. A truck driver by profession, he was previously a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. His age was fifty and lived with his wife and children. One day he got a chance and raped Rajabi. The father is a drug addict, indifferent to the family, Rajabi told her grandmother. The grandmother was also well aware of Sharia law in the country, rape law, and justice. She convinced Rajabi to tell someone about it. Rape and physical torture continued on Rajabi for about two-three years. Then Rajabi could not bear it anymore and came to her father and shouted. His father now became aware, took Rajabi to the police station, and filed a complaint against Darabi. The responsibility of the police was to accept the complaint of the victim and arrest the accused. But what a cruel irony of fate, the opposite happened here. Instead of arresting Darabi, they arrested Rajabi and imprisoned her in jail. A case of ‘crime against chastity’, in simple words adultery, was filed against her. Rajabi continued to protest, but the police did not listen to her. According to Islamic Sharia law, if a woman complains of rape, she must present four witnesses to prove that she was physically abused.

Rajabi failed to find eyewitnesses. But the torture of Rajabi did not end there. Some of the police brutally raped and tortured her in police custody.

It went on like this for a month.

After many efforts by Rajabi’s father and grandmother, the case went to court and the trial began. But the image of the court was as if Rajabi was the criminal.

Thus one day the debate was going on during the hearing. He who was the judge made some comments against Rajabi. Rajabi also starts to feel that the court will go against her like the police. She got angry.

Standing in the square, she took off her veil and started protesting, saying, Please don’t oppress me. I am oppressed, the proceedings should be against that man, not me. This is where she was wrong.

In Iran, there is a rule that women cannot be without a hijab in front of men or in ‘public places’. The one who was the judge got burnt in this case of Rajabi. He said I don’t know about your lawsuit. But for your audacity, you will be imprisoned for life. This time Rajabi was completely broken. On the contrary, she was being identified as a criminal, she was being punished. She realized that the last hope of justice had ended for her, in anger, she took off her shoes and threw them at the judge. After so much physical and mental torture, she was such an expression of a 16-year-old girl very usual, wasn’t it? Whatever you think the Sharia court judge is now blinded by rage. He said to Rajabi, you have been sentenced to death. This trial is over.

Just one week later, on the morning of August 15, 2004, a crane was brought to the streets of Neka, Iran. Hanging a noose on it. Crowds of people all around. Rajabi was brought hand and blindfolded. Judge Haji Rezai was simultaneously a cleric and city administrator. He tied the noose around Rajabi’s neck with his own hands. Within a week, a judge took the form of an executioner. After that Rajabi was hanged in front of thousands of people. Yes, you read that right, hanged!

Rajabi’s body was handed over to his family after hanging on the streets of the city for almost an hour. She was buried in the cemetery. But the very next day, Rajabi’s father and grandmother visit his grave and are shocked.

They saw that Rajabi’s grave had been dug up and her body was missing. Then the body was never found. Then this incident was published in Iranian media. According to the agreement with the United Nations, the execution of anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited in Iran. But Judge Haji Rezai violated the law and sentenced Rajabi to death. The case went to the Supreme Court. The court acquitted the dead Rajabi. Judge Haji Rezai and several others involved in the case were arrested. But despite all this, her rapist was never brought to justice.

This was a scandalous case in the history of the world.

This is Islamic science and Justice!

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