D5 Creation is one of the leading WordPress Theme developers in the world. All of the Free Version of the D5 Creation Themes are official WP.ORG Approved.
D5 Creation
I am the Founder, Lead Developer and CEO of D5 Creation, a successful Startup which is serving and well known worldwide for its popular WordPress Themes. It is estimated that more than 350000 websites are running on my Themes worldwide including Educational Institutions, Government, Companies, Corporate Businesses, Personal Blogs, Tourism, News Portals and various other sites.
The site is also a resource hub for WordPress based site development, search engine optimization (SEO), speed optimization, online marketing, small business development, startup development, modern web trends, web tips and tricks etc. Google has ranked this site as #1 for dozens of valuable Keywords. Currently, the site has 55 Themes, 16500+ regular members, 4500+ resource posts, topics and question-answers.
I know hundreds of people and small companies who are dependent on my Themes for their income because they develop/design their clients’ sites using my Themes only.